Permanent Magnetic Lifters, Magnetic 'V' Blocks, Magnetic Chucks Manufacturer

Carbide Magnetic V Blocks
Introducing for the first time in India “Crystal” special type Carbide Magnetic V Blocks. These 'V' blocks have been specially built for applications where heavy inspections are involved.
Its Advantages are as below :
- Inspection area contains carbide tips so that, we get better life in the big 'V'.
- Efficiency of inspection increases considerably due to carbide in the Big 'V' over normal H.S.S 'V' blocks.
- Accuracy is maintained for a longer period of time.
About Us
In 1980 at Armatech Associates we are recognized the trends of Induastrial needs with 18 Magnetic Products. Redefining the Organisational and technical Processes, we incresed our Production range to precision Inspection Instruments and various Machine shop Aids.
Contact Us
Armatech Associates
W-174A, 'S' Block, M.I.D.C., Bhosari Industrial Estate, PUNE - 411 026, Maharashtra, India.
Telephone : + 91 - 20 - 2712 0241, 2712 2385
Mobile No. : + 91 - 70209 91684